
I, Wall-E

So many of you guys have seen I, Robot and Wall-E. In both movies, the similarity is the use of robots for everyday life, to help out. In Wall-E, they are used so much, it's...well, insane. People became so lazy just because they had an easier way to go about. The became ignorant of their surroundings; the captain didn't even know what "earth" was.

That brings me to the question -- are humans using technology too much?

Think about it. I've seen math students completely relying on a calculator for their homework. Seriously, like adding 100+260, and even 369 + 1. That. Is. A. Problem.
I love calculators, I really do, but there has to be a limit. The sky is too far of a limit in many cases.

I also love technology. I use it everyday -- as I am now. Currently, I have Facebook, Gmail, and Microsoft Word open. I'm also using spell check to make sure I don't make any goofy typos like tihs. Technology came around to make life easy, but it shouldn't be taken to the extent that people become lazy, fat people who don't even know there's a pool in the 3 sq. miles in which they reside. From the discovery of a rock and its uses to the invention of the iTouch, technology has helped humans everyday since they first came around.

So in my parting, I'd like to give this advice -- don't be an idiot (how you know you're an idiot -- you use the calculator to add 2,000,000 + 1) and use your common sense. AND DON'T BE A COUCH POTATO/ LAZY BUTT!!

Until next time! :)

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